All the Fanfare
All the Fanfare
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Episode 3: 10 years later, The Winter Soldier remains the best MCU film

What’s your favorite MCU film? Drop a comment and let’s compare notes!

In This Episode

  • The top 10 MCU films according to Rotten Tomatoes

  • Does The Winter Soldier have the MCU’s best cold open?

  • Breaking down Steve’s notebook

  • 4 reasons this is the best MCU film

  • Hailing Hydra

  • The top 10 MCU films according to me1

  • Plus a brief cameo by my cat and my neighbor’s lawnmower

Marvel Link Potpourri


I’ve been rethinking my top 10 since I recorded this. Apart from the Captain America trilogy, I haven’t watched any of these in years. My sense is Black Panther should be higher.

All the Fanfare
All the Fanfare
An irreverent celebration of pop culture. Funny asides and probably overly serious analysis on movies, TV shows, and video games. Mainly focusing on stuff from the 1980s - 2010s. New episodes every week.