Damn! Sorry to hear all of that. I hope by now you’re feeling at least a little relief? Getting old sucks.

We should all meet up at a McDonald’s and commiserate.

Either way, happy birthday! Here’s to the next lap around the sun going a bit easier.

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Appreciate that, Kevin! You buy the nuggets, I'll pick up the fries.

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Oh man….2025 is just coming for us all, isn’t it? No wonder you’re hiding out in Deadwood, even with its disgusting troughs for streets is preferable. I hope it all turns a corner double stat. Definitely eat allllll the cake today my friend. ❤️

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Escapism is not overrated!

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Came for the potential trip and sip.

I liked it too much not to finish. Tbh. First article that I read through.

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Ugh, sorry Eric! Hope the infection clears quickly. I had a small basal cell cancer removed and it took quite a while to heal. Hope you feel better and can celebrate your birthday soon.

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Doing much better today! Thanks for the good vibes. Glad you got your own skin cancer scare cleaned up. Overall minor if you catch it early but I'll probably have a gnarly scar.

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I'll upgrade if I can figure out how to

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I think it should be pretty straight forward? Where does this link take you? https://newsletter.allthefanfare.com/subscribe?coupon=108b3f76

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😃 awesome!!

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Happy birthday buddy!

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Thanks Jennifer! :D

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Happy Birthday Son! Sorry for all the crap that has happened! Hope you are able to enjoy this weekend and no more “hmmm that’s no good” allowed! Sign us up for the great deal to extend our membership for another year….a gift for us!!!

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lol thanks Mom! :D

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If the anti biotics are giving you the runs, Take size 50 billion 12-14 types Probiotics

2 hours after taking antibiotics. This replaces the probiotics the antis remove. They never tell you this for some reason, but probiotics help reboot your colon. Feel better!


Eric. I enjoy reading your stuff!

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Oh thank you so much! I didn't even think about that. The advice I got was: hope it doesn't happen and good luck if it does. That's doctors for ya.

Appreciate your support Linda! :D

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Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about all the shitty things that happened my friend. What a way to celebrate your birthday :'( I really hope all the "hmmm that's no good" takes a breather and that you can have some real fun this weekend. And yes please sign me up for extending my subscription for a year for only $12, what a super duper deal! :D

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I didn't even mention all the other stuff that went down this week. There's a thin line between sharing and complaining lol. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll put you down for an extended subscription. Thanks Marmi!

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