All the Fanfare
All the Fanfare
'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' With Justin Cox

'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story' With Justin Cox

Podcast Episode 8: How a tragic war film became one of the best Star Wars stories

This week I’m joined by Justin Cox. He’s an author, the founder and editor of The Writing Cooperative, and also a huge Star Wars fan. We had a great, wide-ranging conversation about Rogue One I think you’ll love. I sure did!

In This Episode

  • Putting the war in Star Wars

  • How Rogue One stitches into the existing narrative

  • Thoughts on returning characters

  • How Disney-era Star Wars delivered on the promise of classic characters

  • Why tragedy works in Rogue One and fails in the Prequels

  • Rogue One, Andor, and gray heroes

  • Favorite moments

  • A postmortem on the short-lived anthology series

  • The tension between personal storytelling and fan expectations

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All the Fanfare
All the Fanfare
An irreverent celebration of pop culture. Funny asides and probably overly serious analysis on movies, TV shows, and video games. Mainly focusing on stuff from the 1980s - 2010s. New episodes every week.
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