Greatest show of all time. Keep 'em comin'.


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"These pieces on Deadwood, if they continue, will be lousy with filthy language." How could they not be? The lead character's last name was Swearagin...

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a very apt name, too!

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Milch was being like Dickens: making the last name reflect the character's personality.

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Swearengen was actually a real person!

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You cannot fuck the future, sir. The future fucks you. (In other words, yes please.)

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I love Deadwood! Haven’t seen it in years though. I vote for more!

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Sounds like the perfect time for a rewatch!

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20 years ago James was watching Deadwood, and after about the 10th “cocksucker” I asked what on earth he was watching and I got completely sucked in, mostly because of Timothy Olyphant’s extreme hotness, and I am a person who does not understand time or distance, so to this day I ask: “How long before/after Deadwood did this event happen?” Deadwood is the nexus of time for me. (If whatever event happened more than 400 years before Deadwood I’m lost in space.)

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The real-life Deadwood was in the 1840s I think. And the show first aired in 2004. Just to give you a rough timeline.

I'm an avowed Timothy Olyphant fan (call myself an Olyfan without shame) and will basically watch him in anything.

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I’d give the idea a “love” if I could. I understand you can;t do scene by scene, but m-ay-b-e you could do at least one scene per episode in some depth? And/or do more than one newsletter for some episodes? Any opportunity to savor it again through another’s eyes/words. Thanks.

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I think that's an easy yes. Just try and stop me! 🤓 Thanks for the encouragement!

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"Just know it’s not me saying these things, Mom. It’s them cocksuckers in Yankton." 😂 Great recap and such a great show. I hope the people want a recap of a 20 year old show if only to validate the steam of old shit I always wanna write about like it's on everyone's mind. Either way, I haven't thought about how unusual of a prologue that really was. Well done.

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Old shit >>>>> new shit.

Thanks, Clay! Appreciate the kind words.

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I really enjoyed your analysis and it makes me want to watch Deadwood for a third time. I hope you decide to write more.

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I want to write more! But I also want to write about stuff people actually want to read. Hopefully there's overlap here. Thanks Kristina!

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I'd definitely like to see more Deadwood coverage, Eric! It's a great show and I'm still sad about how it ended prematurely. Though Timothy Olyphant's story of how that happened is amazing.

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