I love Fury Road. It's like a dark fairy tale. And I love Speed. What else did you mention here that I want to comment on? Oh, yes. Car crashes. A rubbish and annoying experience. Don't beat yourself up about flirting with the dark side. I reckon you did a lot better than you think, under the circumstances. Also, I'm like you with cars. Drive them till the wheels fall off.

The Hobbit? The novel is a masterpiece. The films have good parts (the stuff from the book) and bad parts (everything they felt a need to add in).

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This made me laugh while making a good point. Therefore, I subscribe, them's the rules

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Can't argue with that logic!

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Night Agent Season 2 has veered to far into a space it was teasing in Season 1. It's a shame. Not unwatchable but I'm losing and somewhat lost steam for it when I was excited for another go around. Might I suggest "The Recruit" which kind of occupies the same space but it funny and more interesting in ways. And for my money I'd rather watch another season of "Reacher" which is a bit silly but does a better job than Season 2 of Night Agent.

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I've heard Reacher is pretty decent, as these things go. It's on my list when/if I pick up Prime again.

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Great article. I can't blame you for being angry, really. And you're right. The jerks who drive large pick-up trucks are always tailgating me and driving aggressively.

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Thanks so much, Lisa!

I wonder if people who own large vehicles drive more aggressively because they feel safe. Might not even be a conscious decision. But I've yet to be dangerously tailgated by someone in a Prius. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I don't think I've watched 24 since it originally aired and I have a hard time believing it holds up. But when it was on, that was must-see-TV.

I used to have to drive a lot for work and I've seen pretty much every bad behavior on the Dallas roads that you can think of. And it's been getting worse. Even just running errands I'm guaranteed to see at least 2 people blatantly run reds when I'm out and about. I just drive like a senior citizen and don't get mad, it's not worth it.

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Yep drive slow and defensively.

I haven't revisited 24 since it was on. I bet the first few seasons are still good. The ones with Dennis Haysbert.

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Re: 24 - Series 1 and 2 are both stunning (1 is the best, but the first 15 episodes of 2 in particular are nail-biting). As for 3 and 4, they aren't as good, but are worth watching to get to 5, and then we're back at 1 and 2 levels of quality, plus the best villain in the entire series. However, after that stop. It just isn't worth going any further (I have the DVD boxsets of series 1 to 5 in the collection). :)

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Glad you’re OK after the crash, Eric. I crashed my car at 80mph after aquaplaning on the motorway and broke both my legs. I had no one to blame except for myself. Unless I could blame the puddle! And, believe me, I tried 😁

Glad to hear you still enjoy The Hobbit movies. Thought I was the only one!

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Holy smokes! Was this recent? That sounds so traumatic. I think I'd have a hard time driving again.

I think blaming puddles is totally fine actually.

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It was 20 years ago but, yeah, was pretty traumatic. Had to get cut out. Cops and fire brigade thought it was a fatality when they turned up 😳

Still have a metal pin in my leg to remind me all about it

It was a company car and the first thing my work asked my wife was what state the car was in 😆

I did actually blame the puddle when the local council tried to charge me for damaging their grass verge that I tore up at 80mph. Told them it would never have happened if they had proper drainage on their roads so got away with one there! 😁

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Wow! That sounds terrifying. Glad it worked out okay. Definitely makes for a great story.

I hope you don't still work for that company... 🤯

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I do 😆

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Car accidents are scary. Glad you are ok. I'd be pissed too but I agree, it doesn't help the situation. I was waiting to turn left into my driveway and some asshat honked his horn at me 10 times as I was turning. Apparently he didn't like how long it took to turn or he didn't like that I made it stop for 2 seconds. Either way, his rage is not my problem. Notice I said him, even though I didn't see the driver.

I went into Furiousa not expecting much but it surpassed my low expectations. In fact, I wish I had seen it in when it was in the theatre. Seeing Furiousa on the big screen would definitely have enhanced the experience. Watching Furiousa with our kids sparked an interest in going back and watching the old movies. Fury Road way more enjoyable than the older films.

I don't mind seeing multiple post from you so please don't apologize. When I get on a roll I may end up finishing several things in a single day or when I'm really into something, it can take longer to publish. It's all good! Thanks for keeping us sane during these crazy times.

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It's crazy how impatient people are/have become. Driving around town shouldn't feel like a Mad Max movie! But some drivers are so aggressive.

I went back and watched the original Mad Max films after Fury Road came out. Didn't care for the first one but I liked the sequel well enough. I couldn't get through Thunderdome. 🙈

Appreciate the comments and commiseration! Stay safe out there.

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Binge watched the end of Cobra Kai. Wow. Talk about bringing everything together. Larrusos mum pops up. The dude who was all valley champ in the original makes an appearance and even a training sequence with 'You're the Best ' blasting away. Big nostalgia vibes and it all works! Great finish. Great series.

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Yes!! I'm about to start the second half of season 6. It's been such a nostalgia blast. Crazy how many people they've pulled in from the films. Even randos like some kid Daniel once fought briefly. Love it.

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This week finds me once again (still) making my way through re-watching every season of Dallas. I don't know why. I've just finished Season 10.

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I've never seen Dallas and only know about the JR shooting plot. Does it hold up?

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I loved 24 through season 5. After that, it became a cliche of itself, but I still enjoyed it. We just started watching The Night Agent a couple of weeks ago, and it's accomplishing the mission of giving me something to watch while building Legos or drawing trees. Your "Great Value" analogy is spot on.

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I started watching the Night Agent and at the beginning of season 2, I am saying Alright, already. Never ending action, not enough human interaction. OK,

romance? Humanity? What about the guy in the basement? Too late. I'm gone.

Your accident story

reminded me of several times my husband got angry during accidents.

I think it was fear. The fear of loss. The fear of the interruption of your life. The fear that things won't be the same. The fear that you are at fault.

Anyway, it made me think, a rare occurence. LOL. Thanks.

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I think fear is definitely at play in those scenarios. It's the realization of how quickly everything can change. And without you doing anything except being there! 😅

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I’ve become much more like the guy in the truck. Shrugging your shoulders and saying “Whattareyagonnado?” Is much less stressful.

Full Swing is the bomb!

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Can't wait for season 3! I just rewatched the whole thing 😂

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You're only three episodes in and you think it's silly? Just wait. I won't spoil it but let us know once you watch the last episode. There was an LOL moment for my wife and I Iast night when we finished the season. Oh, and by the way, I was a huge 24 fan and IMHO the Night Agent isn't even close. But then again, I am a hug Keifer fan.

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24 is much better, at least the first few seasons.

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I keep trying to like Furiosa, but you're right, it's just weird. It never gels.

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