I am 100% here for this long-form essay on The Penguin and/or Batman villains and/or Retro Batman and/or The BATcast pod!!! Seriousface: The Penguin is strong right out of the gate. And the Bat-verse has always been my favorite comic book hero franchise. 💥💕

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I think I'm one of the few people that didn't really like The Batman. It's not bad, but it felt too long. I just couldn't get into it. But I am excited to watch the Penguin. Keep hearing great things.

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I'd add Brainiac to the top tier of Superman’s villains, but it's a pretty steep drop-off from there. Toyman, Prankster, and Terra-Man are pretty one-note (though I guess Metallo has his moments). Doomsday is more plot device than actual villain, and it would be reductive to call Darkseid a Superman villain.

The Flash actually has a decent bench of villains that writers have done cool things with. I'd say Reverse Flash would have to be his nemesis. It's tempting to write off villains like Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang (yeah, I know), or Pied Piper as pointlessly goofy, but I've seen some interesting things done with them (and more importantly Flash's relationship with them).

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I liked The Batman a lot more than I thought I would. My only real beef is last act/ending. It’s like the studio said “it’s a superhero movie, you have to have an over the top disaster piece. Those are the rules.”

I do want to watch The Penguin but I’ll probably wait until all episodes are out and then binge it.

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Batman's rogue's alley is endlessly fascinating. And arguably they are only group of bad guys who are as well known- or better known- than their enemy.

I know the names of the enemies of my favorite superheroes, but that's just me being the autistic stickler for details.

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