Jan 28Liked by Eric Pierce

The best part of Creator was the kid. The kid was fantastic. It was good but not great. However anyone who takes the time to createa Sci fi and does as good a job of the production as they did will get my time. Always.

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Night Country is SO SCARY! I'm all in on this show and am spooning up Jody Foster (turns out you can absolutely insert any Silence of the Lambs quotes in ANYTHING she's in and it definitely works!). I'm finding the show is an unholy coupling between Twin Peaks and The Thing and then it's all *bing bong* oh! Is that the pizza we ordered? SURPRISE! IT IS THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. That I have no idea if it is AM or PM gives me the knee sweats and we are only TWO DAMN EPISODES IN! So..yeah...the show is worth the waking nightmares...exquisitely shot, acted, and written. I was secretly hoping you would slip this into the Johnny Five Alive Lineup (golf. clap)

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You're totally right! It is Twin Peaks + The Thing + Blair Witch. I love it so much, so well done.

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Me too! And of course I love how female-centric it is. Long overdue for this franchise!

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Jan 27Liked by Eric Pierce

I really enjoyed Dead to Me, although the last season felt a little rocky and rushed. Hope you enjoy it!

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The Lions broke my heart, but Linda Cardellini almost makes up for it.

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Jan 27Liked by Eric Pierce

I really enjoyed Dead to Me but the last season you will see a dramatic change in Christina Applegate who was diagnosed with MS but finished the final season because she is a bad ass.

We should definitely play more kick ball, color, buy things with change (slurpees, and candy mostly), and have sleepovers where we stay up late and eat too much junk food. I still wear costumes.

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I love that you still wear costumes!! That's awesome

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Jan 26Liked by Eric Pierce

True Crime with Jodie is so good, am really digging it!! I never watched any seasons before but I kept hearing good things and my hubs had a crush on her for the longest time. If this season is really based on a True Crime then WTF?! That is too insane if something like that really happened.

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It's not based on any True Crime. Just a good story. 🤓

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Jan 26Liked by Eric Pierce

"taking a pocketful of change to 7-11 and buying whatever I can afford"

Just did that 2 nights ago. I had a few toonies ( Canadian two dollars coins) and walked out with snacks.

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Go Lions!

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