That's from Eye of the Beholder, right? I recall playing an old....maybe a Nintendo or even older PC version of that game.

Used to play D&D A LOT (like A LOT A LOT) in college (back in the Dark Ages of the late 80s). Lots of good memories!

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Good eye! I took a long hiatus from d&d after college, super glad to be back. 🤓

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The Mario Brothers film was deeply average. It went in one ear and out the other. I've no idea why it was so inexplicably popular. Then again, what I know about video games wouldn't fit on the back of a postage stamp. All I know is, as a film, it's utterly unremarkable.

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It’s a perfectly cromulent movie. It was a five way to kill a couple hours and I never feel the need to watch it again.

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Jul 6Liked by Eric Pierce

Also enjoyed the Mario movie. I don’t play as many video games as I used to these days, but a new first party title from Nintendo always gets my attention. Even new Mario games still bring the same joy they did years ago.

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Have you ever been to GaryCon? I have a D&D loving buddy that goes every year.

It’s a shame how ROTS just basically ignores my girl Padme like that. I almost feel like there’s too much to cover in ROTS for its run time. Splitting the movie into 2 parts like Kill Bill or the last Harry Potter could have given Anakin a slow descent to the dark instead of jumping off a cliff headfirst into the Sith.

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Or alternatively, they could have written his descent to the dark side far better over the course of three films. Personally, I'd have made him fully Vader by the end of the second film. Here's what I would have done with the Star Wars prequels, if you're interested:


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I've never been to any Con! It's sorta shameful actually.

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I’ve never been to any kind of con either. The next Star Wars celebration in the us though, I’m there.

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