I am so happy you finally boarded the Wednesday train! It's got something for all age groups and has really given viewers like me of a certain age a great nostalgic trip. I was never quite legit enough to be a card carrying member of the goth group at school, with my lack of Doc Marten footwear plus I seemed to be the only person in my class who didn't go to the Cure concert at Dodger Stadium or the legendary Depeche Mode show at the Rose Bowl in the 80s. I'm really tickled that now with the reemergence of Kate Bush, Siouxsie and the Banshees, etc. thanks to Wednesday and shows like Stranger Things, our kids' generation thinks we are actually somewhat cool. At times.

I am sorry to hear about your writer's blues, but am glad that you have this great Substack which is a safe judgment-free space for you to talk about anything you want. I am finally finishing The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F* by Mark Manson, and to me you seem to be giving a f* about the proper things! Towards the end it also went into exactly what you touched on which is Just Get Started, and then the inspiration comes - not the other way around. Simple idea which I am trying to implement in my daily life.

Have some thoughts on Bad Sisters (even though I haven't watched it lol), but this comment is getting way too long. Maybe I'll write a Fanfare piece :) Have a great weekend Eric!

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I've had Manson's book forever but have never cracked it open. Worth a read? Sounds like you got value out of it.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on Bad Sisters! Thanks for your support, it's much appreciated. 😁

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Yes I would recommend it, the last part about death totally dragged so you can perhaps skip that; but he has a funny casual style. He has some good anecdotes sprinkled here and there. I kept hearing about it like you but only thought to put it on my Goodreads Want to Read when Simone Biles said it was her favorite book or something. When the gymnastics GOAT says read this book, well who am I to object!

About Bad Sisters, we have the Filipino real-life version on my mom's side of the family. Literally they are four (living) sisters, with one of them having had an awful husband, and high drama definitely ensued. May have to sign up for Apple+ to compare and contrast for myself!

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That Resistance is reeeaaal. I feel it every once in a while, and it comes in like a freight train.

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YES. I've mostly learned how to avoid it / give it the finger (writing anyway is the only answer), but sometimes it kicks down the door anyway. I forget just how bad it can be until times like that.

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Ummm thank you for bringing How Real Is It into my life. I immediately went to YouTube in a dove-for-third kind of way. I am weirdly fascinated by mafia culture. So, grazie :) I also have not stopped thinking about Wednesday since I REWATCHED it a couple of weeks ago. And I also loved Bad Sisters--it's harrowing, but darkly funny and really moving. Sharon Horgan is a treasure. I appreciated your comments at the end about struggling on the creative front. I would highly recommend Rick Rubin's new book: The Creative Act: A Way of Being in the World. It is amazing, inspiring, and best of all, very soothing for the creative soul. I can't recommend this book enough. Thanks Eric! Stay well! :)

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I too fell down a rabbit hole on How Real Is It (killer baseball analogy btw, really top shelf). And I'm also fascinated by the mafia.

Sharon Horgan is amazing! Thanks for the book reference, going to look it up right now! Have a great weekend. :)

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