Predator is good for it's time. Like Bill and Ted's. Best appreciated more when you're younger and less cynical.

Currently watching Atlanta. Never saw it but thought I'll give it a go after completing Dave. Its brilliant. Season 2 and the Teddy Perkins episode...wow!

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I still love Predator. It's miles better than most 80s action flicks, and it still holds up pretty well.

I've heard Atlanta is really good. It's right down my alley. I need to check it out.

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Yay for the return of the Fri Hi 5!! I read Simon's Spidey review and now after reading your solid B+ assessment, I might have to do a solo trip to the cinema and do a double feature of Spidey and Are You There God It's Me Margaret. I didn't watch the first one but I gather that one is more self-contained, so should be OK.

So speaking of movies both you and Simon liked, I guess I will have to finally watch Zorro which even I am surprised I never watched, being the Antonio Banderas fanclub member that I am; plus I also had a super girl crush on CZJ, still sort of do. Really admire both their staying power in the industry.

Basketball - I'm really into it these days since my Nuggets are in the Finals for the first time evah!! And they beat out my original hometown team Lakers to get there, so this playoff series has been super fan-tastic. Btw did you know my fave of all time Kareem has a Substack? I somehow discovered it on there and it's so good! I am guessing that he is for sure in the Top 5 in your book, let us know when you get there!

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It's sorta funny, actually. I don't know where Kareem is ranked in the book yet, but Simmons pretty much despises him (as a basketball player). I'm sure that's largely because he's a huge Celtics fan. I mostly remember Kareem as a goofy-looking guy with googles. :)

I'm positive his top 4 are: Jordan, Bill Russell, Bird, Magic. Probably in that order. The last spot is likely Kareem, Wilt, or Dr J. (The book was published in 2009, so Lebron and Kobe won't be listed very high, if at all).

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Well the Showtime Lakers had Kurt Rambis, for me *he* was the more goofy-looking goggled one :) Ain't gonna argue with any of those you are predicting for Simmons' top 5. For the Nuggets-Heat Finals Game 1, I remember one of the announcers was like Jokic "shoots like Dr J, passes like Magic, and rebounds like Moses." You know with his triple doubles all day long. But then one of the other announcers was like STFU, take that back about Moses Malone!! :D Fun fact - I actually saw Bill Russell in person, the legend!! Since I lived across the street from what was then called Staples Center (I have a real problem that it is Crypto.com Arena now, BLECHHH gross), there was a big event there and he was just walking around outside what used to be called Nokia Plaza (see how long ago that was, I mean who has a Nokia phone now?) like a normal person.

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Thank you for the shout re: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. I saw it again last night and enjoyed it just as much. I actually have no issue with the "to be continued" thing, as I think it is still a satisfying story with satisfying character arcs, and a wonderful twist-laden third act, even though it ends on a very The Empire Strikes Back sort of note.

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Yay THE FIVE IS ALIVE!!!! I had no idea that finding high-fivers is such a chore! Maybe add in TV? Keep’em coming!!! Thanks for the chatter on Spidey et al. I loved the first and am looking forward to the second lazy storytelling be damned!! Predator: never saw it, but you had me at Jessie THE GUVNAH Body! Not at all shocking this child of the 80s tuned in every Saturday morning to watch Democracy in the form of Hulk Hogan’s oily pecks defeat the Legion of Stupid Cartoon Communist Villains in the WWF ring. I already can’t wait for your 33 1/3 on Predator!! 💥💥💥

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The WWF was amazing in the 80s! The golden era.

But what's this about never watching Predator!? How is that even possible? (Says the guy who only watched Roadhouse for the first time a few months ago.)

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100% on WWF 80s goodness! Then you probably also saw The Iron Sheik shuffled off this mortal coil...probably mid-headlock 😉 I know...Predator...I have a huge deficit with those kinds of movies, but clearly I need to remedy before the next opus arrives! Roger that!

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Listening: Dave Edmunds’ “Information,” and interminable small talk at grad parties.

Watching: S3 of Ted Lasso. No spoilers, but pleas tell me this season gets rolling at some point. Kinda bummed out about the first 2 episodes, tbh.

Also: active shooter training for work. Fun!

Reading: not nearly enough.

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Season 3 is super uneven. It's still good, just not Ted Lasso good.

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Sounds good; I'll push through a little bit.

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It's no wonder the Zorro movie reminds you of POTC: it is written (at least in part) by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, who were the main writers/architects of the original 'Pirates of the Caribbean' trilogy! What I love about them is that they know when to adhere to the conventions of classic movies and genres and when to subvert them, which has made much of their Hollywood output more ambitious and self-reflexive/postmodern than is the norm.

Also: they were very unhappy at the studio's decision to change the ending of the movie and have Diego die. The original filmed ending has him alive.

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Ahh, that makes so much sense! Thanks for the heads-up. :)

Diego definitely should've lived.

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