Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

The best candy trend right now is the all of the new one-flavor Sour Patch Kids. We've always had watermelon, which are fantastic. Maybe better than the regulars. Now we've got grape, and probably my favorite, peach, which you should definitely try if you haven't! They're like those generic peach rings you can get at 7-11 or any other gas station, but way better because they've got the Sour Patch texture which is superior along with a hit of sourness.

That said, I definitely fall into the chocolate camp myself. I didn't even know there were people in a different camp until I met my wife who, as much as she loves chocolate, would take a pack of gummy bears or Sour Punch Bites any day.

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Peach?! 🤔 Not sure I can go there lol

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

Love deadwood and I agree, it is one of the best tv shows ever made. I really enjoy the dialogue but it may be hard for some to understand and it takes time to get used to it.

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The dialogue is SOOO good! Crass but just lovely at the same time.

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Team Deadwood 4LYFE!!! Sometimes I'll just randomly drop one of my favorite Calamity Jane's-isms: "Those who s__ C___ by choice!" The writing on that show....hooo nelly. Ian McShane: *chef's kiss!*

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Calamity Jane is the best. LOL

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I'm also a huge Deadwood fan. Any excuse to re-watch it is good in my book.

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So good! I'm also a huge Timothy Olyphant fan. 😀

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Reading: Ballot measure text (required in a state like WI, where agendas and languaging often lead to unintended outcomes).

Watching: Still making our way through The Wire. Some NIT/NCAA games.

Listening: "Even It Out" by Fever Ray. Creepy and infectious in equal measure.

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You forgot about the crisps eaters! Here in NZ they call crisps, chips and chips (with fish) are chips unless they're in a coffee shop and transform into fries. Weirder still, all candy is labelled lollies. Kiwis are weird.

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Potato chips are their own thing bro! It's practically its own food group. :)

It is super weird that all candy falls under the label 'lolllies'! Reminds me of how soda pop is named differently here in the States:

- Midwest: Pop

- Everywhere else, that's not the South: Soda

- South: Coke. Even if it's not a Coca-Cola! Frankly, it's not really a surprise they lost the Civil War.

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Re: Family Movie Night our kids range 10yrs to 16yrs. We ditched the Pixar stuff a while back. Absolutely liberating. Over the lockdown situation we started weeks or months of Cinematic Education. (What else was there to do?) We did themes which I absolutely started. Time travel week with BTF trilogy, Timeline, Somewhere In Time and Time Bandits. That's just the start. We also watched every single James Bond in Order over a pretty long period. My daughter loves all of them and rewatches her faves a lot. For Jackie Chan adventures I recommend Rumble in the Bronx from his early days. Though I do enjoy Rush Hour too. Good job on your family' Cinimatic edu...id expect nothing less from a good geek!

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Speaking of Jackie, I think we'll probably dip into the Shanghai Knights movies he did with Owen Wilson.

Time Travel movies: About Time is an underrated masterpiece.

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Nice! About Time! Oh yes, for sure. I do love that one to. It's the Love Actually of time travel movies 😉

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Great analogy!

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