POD! POD! POD! POD!!! I cannot WAIT!!! You come at the Wire, you best not miss :) And I know you won't..YAY!!!!

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Maybe you can come on and talk about Justified...? :D

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I will chat about Clan Crowder and soooooo much more! Done and done!! 🤠

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Apr 19Liked by Eric Pierce

Looking forward to the podcast ... but an entire issue dedicated to D&D? Brilliant. Loved that game back in the, well ... early 80s. And haven't played it properly since then. But it still informs far too many of my interests!

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I love D&D too much not to talk about it at least once 🤓

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Apr 19Liked by Eric Pierce

Cannot wait for the first podcast eppy and speaking of podcasts, so glad you finally listened to the Coco one! He had Goldie Hawn the other week and it was sooo good. I think you will especially love it as a fellow parent. Also try to catch his new travel show on Max, Conan O'Brien Must Go. Could not stop laughing!!

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I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on The Wire! There are only a handful of shows that I've binged, and this is one of 'em.

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My family keeps telling me I should do a podcast, but I don't know what tech I can use for it.

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I'm keeping it simple for now. Got a $30 mic from Amazon and I'm using garageband to record and edit. So my only cost is $30 to get started.

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(Takes notes): Amazon mic, Garageband. Got it.

Now I just need a topic...

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How about either:

Your work as a writer

The music you love and often mention

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