It's too bad we won't get another season.

The Acoloyte started off bland, but then it got weird—and not in a bad way: Force cults, Wuxia fights, and a Sith bringing the sexy back to Star Wars. I wouldn't call the show “good,” but I was intrigued enough to see what would come next.

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Yeah. I agree. This one did actually make me want more. And now we won’t get that.

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Yikes. More people watched Boba Fett than Andor!?!? I would never have guessed that.

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I know, right? Madness.

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"...If anything, I think Disney looks as online fans with a distinct whiff of aristocratic disdain..." Not just online fans- all their fans, period.

Do you know how many wonderful television animation programs they have made since the 1990s, only to cancel them when they no longer fit their financial aims, in spite of the vocalness of the fans of those programs? Disney has been fucking deaf to what the fans "really" want long before George Lucas gave them the keys to the Millennium Falcon, and, unless someone miraculously is able to steal all of their money and hold it for ransom, I doubt things will change...

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Wow! Agreed on this analysis my friend. I had no idea Acolyte was so expensive! That seems bonkers to me. Were they also trying to bank on the "woman warrior/jedi/sith" angle that has really yet to be explored or realized? If the writing/acting/overall development were stronger, I bet this series would have had a chance. It's also strange because Andor is the kind of "let's see what else is going on in this galaxy" kind of series that was one of my favorite things they've developed and I am sitting on news of a second season! It can be done, but the right team didn't crack the code for this one I'm afraid. I hope they don't collapse in on endless replays of, like you said, Skywalkers and Solos etc...not is that short sighted, but you can't capture lightening in a bottle. I really don't care too much about Han's grandparents, do you? Minga.

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Fear not, Andor season 2 is coming next year!! :D

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Soooo loooonngggg! “I want my 2 Andors!!!!!” 🥸

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What an amazing analysis!

Overall it makes sense they would cancel the show: expensive, low Nielsen ratings, mediocre reviews even if we ignore the review bombing. I guess it suffered from having all those elemenrs going against it. I'm really sad they didn't manage to create a better or at least cheaper version of it because it was nice to see diversity put at the forefront and I hate to see the anti-woke crowds think they someone "won".

I will forever wonder where all the money went on this show now 😂. You are right, nothing looked like it should have costed that much.

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It's rather shocking that this show cost $180 million. I honestly don't get it.

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I put The Acolyte in the "good not great" category but I certainly liked it enough to want a 2nd season. Heck, bring it back in animated form and I'll be happy.

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