Everyone is losing their minds over this casting. Full out ambivalence - which is the goal with stunt casting.

Personally, it didn't move the needle at all for me. I'll wait and see how it's handled. It doesn't matter who's on screen, to me at least, as much as the story being told.

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You know, I was worried that I was going to dislike this after the title. But you really did a great job and I have so many questions in my mind now. Thanks a lot!?! ;)

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You're most welcome! :D

Are you pro or con RDJ as Doom?

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I am excited for it. I think we all paid them enough that they can afford to do this. More Russo. More RDJ. I think it’s a good move.

But that doesn’t change all your points which are valid and well reasoned.

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I'm excited too, but also am questioning everything. As you saw! :D

I may be more excited about the Russos + Doctor Doom. RDJ is an interesting surprise.

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"You've seen one megalomaniac intent on destroying the world and ruling over the ashes, you've seen them all." I would disagree on that point- television animation has and continues to make very surprising and occasionally disturbing variations on this theme. They aren't all like Skeletor.

RDJ, of course, has recently won an Academy Award, so his bargaining power has increased to the point Marvel seems crawling-back desperate to get him back. But, given that Victor Von Doom has a face that is entirely covered by a metal plate, most people watching the movie going in without previous knowledge of his involvement in the franchise will even know it's him.

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I can't imagine Marvel paying Downey at least $100 million and never showing his face. Maybe we'll get the "inside the suit" sort of visuals we got with Iron Man. Or some kind of flashback showing his disfigurement. There's zero chance they never show his face.

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As someone who will watch a MCU movie but isn't hardcore, I'm kinda meh about it. Completely agree it just strikes me as desperation.

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I commented on your recent note that this smacks of desperation. Putting marketing and hype before storytelling. I think this move might attract a few hardcore fans and curious onlookers on opening week, but after that, it’ll fizzle out. Yes, RDJ was the face of the MCU, but his character worked best when interacting with a strong supporting cast. I wonder who the avengers will be in Doomsday. It’s not like the current roster is exciting anyone. Then there’s the awkwardness of casting Iron Man as Doom. It’s gimmicky. Plus, will this take place in the much maligned and convoluted multiverse? I’ll probably begrudgingly watch this to review it lol I’m just so over the MCU. Even D&W I’m thinking of skipping.

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You cannot recapture lightening in a bottle. As for RDJ as Doom, that would be a no from me

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I get what you mean but on the other hand, there was never any setup for Ultron, who headlined Avengers 2 or Baron Zemo, who was the baddie behind Avengers 2.5. For me, the real question is: can they make him work in the context of the story they will be telling? If anything, this will be a way for Marvel to also get away a bit from the burden of serialized continuity and do something a bit more standalone, which I believe they need to now that audiences and critics have become exhausted with keeping track of everything.

Also, Multiverse of Madness rules, consistency with Wandavision be damned.

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