Jun 23, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

My kid rarely want to rewatch a movie but there are exceptions. My son who is 10 has watched all seasons of Futurama and Disenchantment twice. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said there are too many options for repeating movies or they are more interested in other forms of entertainment.

I enjoyed reminiscing with movies of the past. We had about 10 VHS tapes at my moms and 5 illegally taped Disney VHS tapes at my dads. We watched them over and over and with multiple watches, the quality of the VHS tapes went down. I took could quite the movies word for word.

I also remember going to the video store to see what we could rent. In a small town, we had one video store and maybe 40 options. My mom didn’t care what we watched, ratings were not a thing or at least not in my house. I don’t remember when movies became rated. As a result we watched horror movies, adult movies with sex scenes, and dark comedies. I absolutely love a good dark comedy.

Anyway, I enjoyed the read! Thanks for sharing your childhood trauma and love of movies with us.

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Video store trips were the best!

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You may be on to something here. Both my kids hate rewatching films...although when they were 3-7 years old, not a problem. My daughter does rewatch Bob's Burgers over and over again so maybe she has a spark of obsessiveness (likewise with the Bluey cartoons). It might be a length thing? An hour is too much perhaps? Or lack of drugs thing...I know in uni we would have long nights smoking and rewatching movies...so culture plays a role.

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I think it's that there's too much battling for their attention and too short of attention spans.

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Absolutely love this! Being home alone with my brother a lot and adopting a new patois consisting of movie quotes to express our emotions, this piece really resonated with me. Protomemes, accessible only to our ultralocal community. And as for the bad movies we had access to on repeat, I'm familiar with more than I can list. Reminds me of the relationship Martin Tupper has with classic TV reruns on HBOs "Dream On" (a show I definitely didn't need to be watching at age 9).

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Thanks Omar, appreciate the comment! It's funny how some random quotes stick with us our whole lives, and end up taking on a different meaning entirely.

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Are...are you saying the cinematic tour de force that is "Loverboy" wasn't good?

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Sadly, it was not good. Very watchable tho!

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Not having video stores around hasn't helped....

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