The steady post-endgame decline in phases 4 and 5 is really reinforcing for me just how remarkable Marvel's run from Iron Man to Endgame truly was.

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Facts. For that 10ish year period, Marvel was extraordinary.

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This entire MCU franchise feels like the Dukes of Hazzard when both actors left and they got "cousin" replacements that vaguely resembled the Duke boys to just keep churning out plots in a kind of Mad Libs format. It's honestly too bad they won't allow writers to do something interesting with these characters instead of, what sounds like, holding them to a formulaic model. I say pitch your Watchman idea....THAT I'd watch (hell, I wouldn't be able to look away if I tried! Sorry Eric's Mom...) :)

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Oh man! I totally forgot about the Duke boys switcheroo! Great analogy.

Thanks for apologizing to my mom. 😂

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Yes! Serious “Coy and Vance” energy.

Great analogy, btw.

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Sheila is the queen of holy crap, that's an amazing analogy.

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Right? I stuck with the series because I was a ding-dong kid, but it was such an obvious "knock off" kind of situation. Big Jinni Chewnz shoewear energy there ;)

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First: what is Redbox and is it available outside of the United States?

Second: This was completely inevitable. You can't keep making this stuff and expect that it will always be high quality material. Not when it keeps being made by filmmakers with guns to their heads held by people whose top concern is making $$$$$ for themselves and their idiot shareholders.

One of the best episodes of "The Powerpuff Girls" involves the title characters being repeatedly cloned via the chemical that made them what they are without their permission so that the one that done the deed can make money off the clones. They end up beating the villain (of course), but it almost costs them their lives when he drains the chemical from their bodies.

Craig McCracken and his production team knew for a fact that you have to proceed with caution when you build and maintain a superhero universe, because it won't live and thrive unless both the producers AND the audience believe it can work. Whereas Disney and Marvel clearly have forsaken the audience and put a hole in the boat of their own making...

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1. Sorry! Redbox is a DVD kiosk rental service. I guess US only?

2. It was inevitable, but the end was hastened by the rush for more, faster. The Disney+ shows haven't helped in that regard. Neither has Marvel's reluctance to stray far from the formula. Why not do try drastic like having Scott Lang killed in the opening scene, and make it a true origin story for the daughter? I like the genre but dislike the need to play it safe.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

Scott Lang being murdered and it being the daughters origin story would DEFINITELY catch my attention more than anything they’ve done recently!

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Right? Missed opportunity.

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I know I'm late to the party on this one, and also Loki isn't a Marvel film but a TV show, but...

I'm really enjoying season 2. Episode 4 has THE best cliffhanger I've seen in a long time. So, maybe the end IS in sight for the downward spiral?

I can always hope.

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Wow, that's great news actually. I haven't even bothered with season 2. Maybe I should give it a try.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

For me, the best thing to come out in the MCU lately was the Loki TV series. His story arc, from the first Thor movie to the TV series is fascinating. I also really liked WandaVision. Given, I’m 69 and remember the style of TV shows they referenced each week.

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Hi Laura! I really enjoyed Loki and am looking forward to season two! The rest of it has been more miss than hit though.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Eric Pierce

I have zero plans to watch Ant Man 3. Thanks for verifying what I already suspected.

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I liked the scene with the army of ants in Ant-Man 3, but the rest of it... yeah. Okay, not great. I didn't want to agree with you because I'm a superhero movie nerd to my core (I even watched Supergirl, the movie) but after She-Hulk and then especially after Secret Invasion....yeah. Breaks my heart, it really does.

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I love the genre but just don't care about it like I used to. Sad but true.

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I'd say that, like all empires, the MCU has overextended itself and now struggling to hold all its component parts under control. The Streaming Expansion in particular seems to have led to audience fatigue. Though at the same time, I think the post-Endgame years have been more experimental. I mean, I kinda love both MOM and Eternals, both of which were quite controversial and polarizing yet way more interesting than the traditional Marvel movie.

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You are right on that the Disney plus shows have exasperated the problem. I've even stopped watching them. I think going experimental is the only way to save the MCU, short of a long break from new content.

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Honestly, I'm surprised the hot streak lasted as long as it did. I mean, 2-3 MCU movies a year for like 8 years in a row was already too much. You add streaming continuity to that, it's just excess plus.

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A very fair summary of where Marvel find themselves. They should have stopped after Endgame as the name suggested

Guardians 3 got a lot of praise but it was just OK and the new TV show, Secret Invasion was so awful even Samuel Jackson couldn’t save it

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Thanks Daniel! I agree, Endgame should've been the end in an ideal world. Even just a 5 year pause would've been great.

I haven't even bothered with the last several Disney plus shows. Watched half of Ms. Marvel, an episode of She-Hulk, and none of Secret Invasion. As Hicks once said, game over man.

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You nailed the Medium Day Fanfare panel - great job! I was thrilled to see you and Simon on the screen.

Marvel's fall from grace is more of a plummet to mediocrity. Barbenheimer is breaking box office records because both movies offer something fresh and compelling, two traits Marvel hasn't been associated with in a while.

I hold a different view regarding Blade. Wesley Snipes' remarkable performance as the half-undead sword wielder paved the way for the MCU we know today. Mahershala Ali is perfect to resurrect the Black superhero and potentially revive the Marvel brand. The likelihood of either happening is slim unless Kevin Feige can get the script right.

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Thanks Robin! So glad you were able to tune it. Simon is hilarious. :D

Could not agree more about Barbenheimer. The future of cinema is bright indeed.

I didn't mean to sell the Blade trilogy short--I genuinely enjoyed 2/3 of it, and it paved the way for everything after. Ali is the only bright spot in the Blade remake for me. I'll watch it just for him.

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Just so sad...

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